Timothy Chey's Blog

Timothy Chey's Official Blog

Wrapped principal photography on ‘LIVE FAST, DIE YOUNG’

We just wrapped the movie ‘Live Fast, Die Young’ on June 21, 2008.

For those of you who want the storyline, here it is:

Story: At an exclusive Hollywood party on Christmas Eve, an A-list star dies of an apparent overdose. A detective holds a protesting core group of Hollywood insiders for questioning. The group, consisting of an A-list director, a top agent, a movie star, a media mogul, a writer, a wannabe actress, a studio head, and others, begin a deep and profound discussion on the meaning of life, including the existence of God.

What I like about this film is the underlying premise that our very culture is being manipulated by 5 companies. I mean, take a step back and look at my average day:

1) Turn on the TV at home – MSNBC is on;
2) Waiting at the airport lounge – CNN is playing;
3) Go to the hospital for my mom’s surgery – Fox News is playing;
4) Drive in your car (CBS 1070 is playing – the govt took away our cell phone privileges)
5) Go to the supermarket and we see the magazines at the checkout counter – same 5 companies.

Are you getting the picture? Throughout my typical day (and yours), we’re carefully being ‘taught’ how to think by a select few companies that control all the content in the world.

Very scary when you digest it.

Nevertheless, God is in control. Just be aware of what the 5 big media companies are up to.

June 26, 2008 - Posted by | God, the genius club, tim chey, Toronto Film Festival, Uncategorized

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